Over 6 million people are affected by Heart failure in the US alone. Every year, 660,000 new cases are diagnosed and more than 1 million hospitalizations occur, with a cost approaching $35 billion. For 2 million of these patients (US), drugs can no longer control the problem and, in most cases, the only options remaining are a surgical LVAD or heart transplant. These procedures are risky, invasive, expensive, and considered by cardiologists to be “treatments of last resort” reserved for only the very sickest patients.

Procyrion’s minimally invasive approach to circulatory assist will provide cardiologists with a safe and effective treatment option for the 2 million US patients where no treatment currently exists. Aortix(tm) is the first catheter-deployed, long-term treatment option designed to reduce the workload of the heart, providing an opportunity for the heart to rest and heal. Aortix(tm) dramatically reduces the risks associated with circulatory support devices and will, for the first time, enable treatment of younger and healthier patients before years of progressive damage occur.
The unique characteristics of the Aortix make it particularly well suited for the large and underserved NYHA Class III-IV patient populations, who are lacking safe and effective treatment options. We estimate that two million of these patients (US) are likely candidates for the Procyrion device. Beyond heart failure, the company is exploring alternative acute indications including Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), sepsis, and end-organ support. Procyrion believe that these indications could result in an additional market opportunity.